Thursday, February 4, 2010

Reason #1 to Grow a Mustache

The first reason, (and possibly the top reason in my opinion), to grow a mustache is that they make you more memorable to people. Prior to growing a mustache I felt like I was one of the indistinct masses. Sure I thought that I was different, but there wasn't anything unique or distinguishable about me. People never remembered my name; I was constantly having to remind people who I was, and if I missed a class no one was ever the wiser. That all changed when I grew a mustache. Suddenly my face stood out among the crowd, and people started to remember who I was. My professors starting asking me where I was when I missed class, and actually called me by my name. Because my mustache is a unique and rather uncommon feature at school, it became an easy way to for other people to distinguish me.

School is not the only place where my mustache has made me memorable. I had an experience the other day at the grocery store where the checker recognized me even though it had been four months since I had last been there. That may not sound like a big deal, but how many of you have had a stranger recognize you and talk to you after seeing you once months ago? I imagine that it hasn't happened to you very often, if at all. And that isn't the only time that I have been recognized out of the blue. I frequently am stopped by people who remember me from brief encounters that I have had with them. Of course, that happens to everyone occassionally, but it happens to me at least twice a week. There is a stark difference between how many people remembered me pre-mustache, and the number of people who remember me now.

I am not the only one who is more memorable because I have mustache. Many famous men throughout history have had mustaches. To give a few examples:

Albert Einstein- Would Einstein be as widely remembered for his scientific contributions had he
not had a mustache?

Mark Twain- Is it possible that Mark Twain's mustache was a major factor in his success as an author?

Hulk Hogan- Would Hulk Hogan have been able to dominate and intimidate the wrestling world without a mustache?

Hopefully I have given you something to consider, if not, then stay tuned for the other five reasons why every man should grow a mustache at some point in his life.


  1. That is kind of an interesting "study" I guess you could call it. I think it would be awesome if random people remembered me simply because I had a mustache. It's true that people seem to remember unique features, and a mustache is definitely one of those, especially around BYU. I know that the first thing that I noticed about you the very first day of class was the mustache, so I think your point is very valid.

  2. I have to agree. I am going to admit that as soon as I saw you in class with that mustache, I secretly wanted to somehow become friends with you. haha. And yes I completely agree that Hulk Hogan would not be as intimidating or better yet rememerable if he didn't have a mustache! But mark twain..hmmm that's a hard argument. It definitely helps but I am not sure.
