Sunday, February 28, 2010

Reason #4 It makes you look older

Despite the push in the past couple of decades to look as young as you possibly can for as long as you possibly can, there are some people who want to look a little older because they look too young. I commonly refer to these kinds of men, (and I am sure that others have heard them referred to as this as well,) as "baby faced" or some variation of that. They are the sort of people that we tend to guess wrong on their age by guessing too low, and this is often embarrassing for men who are trying to be professionally credible. I have never really considered myself to fall in the category of a "baby face", though I might and no one has ever mentioned it to me. But for those men who are definite "baby faces" a mustache can be a great solution. I have heard numerous comments about how much older it makes me look. My own brother-in-law looked at a picture of me before I grew a mustache and started laughing because he said that I looked so much younger. Looking older isn't the reason why I continue to have a mustache, but I think this benefit should be given serious consideration by men who are wondering what a mustache could do for them.
I recognize the fact that many of the people who have a "baby face" are often times the type of people who can't grow facial hair, but this is not always the case. And I also want to acknowledge those men who aren't "baby faces" and may still want to look older anyway. A mustache might be a good option for you.

As a brief example, here are some photos of Sam Elliott, an actor who is best known for his roles in Western films. Other than the fact that he looks better with a mustache, I feel like it makes him look older too. And which man would you take more seriously if he was pointing a gun at you? My guess is the man in the photo on the top, but my readers can form their own opinion. Stay tuned for reason 5 next week.

P.S Here is a commercial that I found about mustaches that is entertaining:


  1. let's do a case study. You ought to come to school next week without a mustache to prove how much younger one truly looks without a stache. Ha. Just playin'. Good insight. I may start growing one. Now all I have to do is convince my wife...

  2. 1. It is creepy how much younger and less cool Sam Elliot looks without a mustache. you really caught my attention with that argument.
    2. I asked my good friend whether he thought every man should grow a mustache at least once in their life and why (in honor of your blog) and he gave a great answer. He said because every man can and it is proof of their manliness.
    3. I can't seem to find your video. When I use that url it just takes me to youtube's home page. can you share he embedded code or something...I am really curious about this video.
