Monday, March 8, 2010

Reason #5

By now most of you have decided which side you stand on regarding the mustache issue. I hope that I have at least shed a little bit more light on the positive aspects of having a mustache that most people don't really think about. Deep down inside I even have a vain hope that maybe I convinced a guy to grow a mustache, or better yet, have convinced a girl not to discard the idea before you've seen the results. If that is the case then I feel like I have made a difference, if not, then I have to admit I am still going to be able to go on with my life.
The fifth reason that a man should grow a mustache is because growing one gives you membership in the elite group that is called the mustache brotherhood. This is obviously not an actual group, though there are groups that you can join if you have a mustache, but rather it's an idea. It's not the kind of thing that you carry around a membership card for as proof of participation, it's more an unspoken respect that you receive from other members. I have heard a few men refer to growing facial hair as, "a man's responsibility to prove that he is a man." While I don't wholeheartedly endorse this idea I have experienced the manly respect that comes as a result of growing a mustache. I mainly refer to, "the nod." That may sound rather ambiguous, so let me explain. It's almost an unspoken rule that whenever you come across another man with a mustache, you both give each other a nod of approval and respect. You are both united through your mustaches and are instantly cordial toward one another. I have received the nod on numerous occasions, most recently, though, was actually in this class. A guy with a very nice handlebar mustache walked past the windows during class and stopped to get my attention. We exchanged a quick glance and then both showed our respect for the mustache with a nod. Nothing else needed to be done or said, the nod carries more meaning on it's own.
The reason that I am using "the nod" as one of the reasons to grow a mustache is because it helps validate you as a man. I certainly do not think that only by growing a mustache do you receive such validation, but it is one means of doing so.

Sorry about the bad link last week. This is the mustache commercial that I was trying to share.

1 comment:

  1. Great post. yet again. and you have encourage me to not be so quick to say no to a mustache on guys. But then again I think it depends on the guy. haha I LOVE the commercial thanks. I am sending a link to the BYU divine comedy's Sexy Stache music video. You might get a kick out of it.
